Selina Barker Selina Barker

Life Design Tools to Try

This week we're taking a look at Life Design Tools - from Monday Check-ins, to Planners, to Getting Things Done systems that can all help us to stay on track with our dreams and goals for 2024. Have a listen in to this week's Pep-Talk and then choose one to try from the Life Design Tools Menu below!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Taking it slow in a world of urgency

We are in a world that is always in a state of urgency, moving too fast, never switching off, permanently fixated on progress and productivity and in order to thrive we have to find a way of unplugging from the urgency so that we can move at a pace that allows us to thrive.

Turns out I had a LOT to say on this topic, so this is quite a long episode, but I wanted to also share how January can be a great month for laying the foundations for the rest of the year so that we are giving ourselves what we need in order to thrive.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Welcome to Slowanuary!

Oh I do love the feeling of a fresh new year, the chance to take stock of the year that has just come to an end, learn from the lessons that came with our experiences and make plans for how we want to create our lives in the year to come.

HOWEVER I do NOT think January is a time to be leaping into action, going after all our dreams for the year and embarking on new projects and healthy habits. In fact I feel so strongly about this that I have decided to rebrand January Slowanuary - yep, we are taking it slooooooow 😍

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

WORKSHOP: Lessons learnt in 2023

In this workshop we look back at 2023 and reflect on what each of us went through - the highs and the lows and what lessons we can learn from it all. It was so powerful to do this in community and listen to what one another had been through, how we had grown, what we had learnt and how we can use those lessons to help us design a life we love in the year to come.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

What are you ready to let go of in 2024?

What are you ready to let go of as you step into 2024? What are you ready to leave behind? And in what area of your life are you ready to commit to bringing about change and transformation? THAT is the juicy topic of today’s Pep-Talk.

I share what I am feeling ready to let go of and the changes I want to commit to making in my life in 2024 and invite you to look at what you want to let go of and the changes you want to commit to making in your life in 2024.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Create a Christmas for YOU

Whatever your plans are and however you feel about Christmas, it can be a time where we can get so easily taken over by a sense of urgency, finding ourselves drowning in to-do lists and thinking about everyone else, but never ourselves.

So just in case that has been happening to you or if it starts to, this pep-talk is here to help you get back on track and making sure that you make this a Christmas that YOU can enjoy.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Going back through 7 years of dreams in my journals

In this week's pep-talk I share about the powerful experience of going back through seven years of my 'Goodbye, Hello' journals, in particular looking back at the big dreams that didn't happen. As you may have read in my newsletter on Friday, it has been a hugely cathartic exercise. One that has left me feeling a deep sense of peace and acceptance, where before there was, on some level, a feeling of shame and failure.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The Art of Hygge

In this workshop we dive into Hygge - the Danish way of life, that is all about creating warmth, happiness, and a sense of well-being, particularly during the colder and darker months.

You'll go away with a list of hygge activities that will bring more coziness, warmth and contentment into your daily life and ways to design your day and your home, to give it that extra hygge-y-ness to not just get you through these winter months, but have you really enjoying them ✨✨✨

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The fear of rest

I know we've talked about rest a lot recently, but there are so many layers to uncover when it comes to rest and this week I wanted to talk about our fear of rest.

Because I often see not just a resistance to rest, but an underlying fear of rest.

And in this pep-talk I explore where that fear comes from and how to overcome that fear and give ourselves the rest we need to truly thrive in life!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Finding the time to hibernate

November and December are months where people often feel exhausted and burnt out in the Northern hemisphere. Why? Because, while we find ourselves busier than ever in the run up to Christmas, our bodies are responding to the call of winter to hibernate, rest, be still and go inwards.

And so in this pep-talk, I explore how we can make sure we find the time to rest more and hibernate, in amongst all the Christmas activity

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

WORKSHOP | The Power of Rest

In this workshop we dive into why rest is so essential when it comes to being able to thrive in life, but why we resist it so much, what resting actually looks like (and the different kinds of rest we need) and how to weave those different kinds of rest into our day to day lives (no matter how busy you are).

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

When your dreams don’t come true

This is a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or a symptom of getting older or a combination of the two, but a lot of my friends and clients are finding themselves at an age where they thought their life would be a certain way…and it’s not.

So how do you navigate the disappointment of a big dream not working out. And how do you move forward from there?

Well that is the topic of this week’s Pep-Talk.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The art of making a Career Pivot

I truly believe that we all need to bring about career pivots in our lives, from time to time, even when we love the work that we do (but particularly when we don't). Because we work for decades and during that time we change and evolve, our priorities change and evolve, the world of work changes and evolves.

And therefore, in order to stay engaged and thriving in our careers, we need to be prepared to pivot from time to time.

And so this is what I wanted to focus on in today's Pep-Talk.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Reconnecting with your younger self

This week's pep-talk is all about the different ways we can go back and connect with our younger selves. How it can help us to heal and grow and the different ways we can do it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Final quarterly check-in of 2023

This week's pep-talk is a special one. It's the final quarterly check-in of the year that I did with our very own Club You members, Nina, Katy and Lucy 😍!

Tune in as we open up our Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023 journals and share our answers to our October check-ins, reflecting on the past 3 months - on all that we’ve been through, all that we’ve achieved and all that we’re grateful for and then sharing what our Life Design plans are going to be for the next three months.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Honour the season you are in in your life

For a while now I've had a niggling feeling that I'm not as ambitious as I once used to be, I'm not dreaming as big as I used to. It's left me feeling as if something exciting is missing from my life that should be there. And I don't like that feeling.

So, this week I decided to finally address it head on and I came to a powerful realisation that has left me feeling so much more at peace, content and happy with where I'm at right now in my life.

And I wanted to share it with you, as I feel it is a valuable lesson for us all.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

WORKSHOP | Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

In this workshop you’ll say a proper farewell to Summer and then get clear on what you want to make this Autumn all about, designing a life you love to suit the colder darker months ahead.

Club You members that did the workshop live with me, went from feeling apprehensive and nervous to feeling excited and inspired about the Autumn months ahead.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Declutter your life

In this Pep-Talk I walk you through how I went about decluttering my life and redesigning my week and how you can do it too.

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