WORKSHOP | Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

In this workshop you’ll say a proper farewell to Summer and then get clear on what you want to make this Autumn all about, designing a life you love to suit the colder darker months ahead.

Club You members that did the workshop live with me, went from feeling apprehensive and nervous to feeling excited and inspired about the Autumn months ahead. I can’t wait for you to do it too!

Once you’ve done the workshop, come and let us know in the Club You Whatsapp Group what intention you’re going to be setting for this Autumn 🍂🍁

Journaling questions

What were your highlights this Summer?

What were the biggest lessons or insights you learnt this Summer?

What will this Summer be remembered for in your life?

What are you grateful to this Summer for?

As you look towards the Autumn how do you feel about it?

What will you miss about Summer that you can carry through into the Autumn?

How do you want to feel this Autumn?

What helps you to feel that way?

What do you want it to be all about and why?

What intention do you want to set for this Autumn e.g. ‘I want it to be my Autumn of…’

How are you going to make it about that?

What other simple pleasures, activities, experiences, people and places do you want to fill it with?


Honour the season you are in in your life


Declutter your life