Honour the season you are in in your life

For a while now I've had a niggling feeling that I'm not as ambitious as I once used to be, I'm not dreaming as big as I used to. It's left me feeling as if something exciting is missing from my life that should be there. And I don't like that feeling.

So, this week I decided to finally address it head on and I came to a powerful realisation that has left me feeling so much more at peace, content and happy with where I'm at right now in my life.

And I wanted to share it with you, as I feel it is a valuable lesson for us all.

Listen to it below, over here on Soundcloud, or wherever you listen to your podcasts!

And then come and join in the conversation over in the Club You Whatsapp group


Final quarterly check-in of 2023


WORKSHOP | Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn