Final quarterly check-in of 2023

This week's pep-talk is a special one and in fact, if you get my Friday newsletter then you may have already seen it - it's the final quarterly check-in of the year that I did with our very own Club You members, Nina, Katy and Lucy 😍!

Tune in as we open up our Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023 journals and share our answers to our October check-ins, reflecting on the past 3 months - on all that we’ve been through, all that we’ve achieved and all that we’re grateful for and then sharing what our Life Design plans are going to be for the next three months.

It is always so inspiring to hear others share what they’ve been up to in their lives and what practical steps they are going to take over the next three months to bring about change and create a life they love living. Particularly when they are fellow Club You members.

It’s amazing how much we can learn and the insights we can get for our own lives, from other people sharing their life experiences and dreams

So, if you have a Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023 journal, then get it out and follow along. But if you don’t, that’s OK - you’ll hear me read out each question as we go.

Listen to it below, over here on Soundcloud, or wherever you listen to your podcasts!

And then come and join in the conversation over in the Club You Whatsapp group


Reconnecting with your younger self


Honour the season you are in in your life