Declutter your life
I don't know about you, but the beginning of Autumn for me is always a time for decluttering. I'm going through my wardrobes and drawers (that would make Marie Kondo faint in horror) and one by one getting rid of things that no longer serve me and restoring order and harmony. Autumn is a natural time for us to do this. As nature sheds its leaves, it invites us to also shed the things that we no longer need.
And it isn't just wardrobes that can be decluttered. We can do the same to our lives. And we need to from time to time. Particularly if you have a tendency to overload your plate and take on too much (yes, I see you!).
And so a few days ago I did a life audit. I took a look at everything I have going on and how I'm running my life and work and identified the areas that need to change. I then did a redesign of my week and wow did it feel good. In fact as a result I'm now sleeping much better! Tune in to find out why and hear how you can declutter your life and design your week so that it really works for you.