The fear of rest

After last week's pep-talk on the importance of making time to hibernate during the winter months, there was a wonderful conversation over on the Club You Whatsapp group about one of our favourite topics: REST.

And so, I wanted to carry on that conversation on today's pep-talk. I know we've talked about rest a lot recently, but there are so many layers to uncover when it comes to rest and this week I wanted to talk about our fear of rest.

Because I often see not just a resistance to rest, but an underlying fear of rest.

And in this pep-talk I explore where that fear comes from and how to overcome that fear and give ourselves the rest we need to truly thrive in life!

Listen to the episode below or over on your favourite podcast channel (once you’ve subscribed here

And then come and join in the conversation over in the Club You Whatsapp group


The Art of Hygge


Finding the time to hibernate