Selina Barker Selina Barker

Taking a leap

As the brand new Project You journal arrives, I wanted to share the story behind it and how I got my all time favourite designer to create the cover art when I didn’t think in a million years that they would say yes or that I’d be able to afford it. I LOVE that a story of a dream coming true is so entwined in this Project You journal - infusing it with a special kind of magic and power.

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work-life balance Selina Barker work-life balance Selina Barker

Letting Go of Urgency

It can be so easy to get caught up in a sense of urgency. Panic sets in and suddenly you feel as if you’re in a race against time and have to do everything at hyper speed. Sound familiar? If so, this episode is for YOU. In it I explore where this need for urgency comes from and what we can do about it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Harnessing Back to School Energy

As we step into September and schools start their New Year, there is a wonderful back to school, fresh-start energy in the air. This Pep-talk is all about how to harness that energy and use it to get intentional about what you want to make happen in your life and use it to say a loving Goodbye to Summer and Hello to Autumn as we head towards it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The Power of Commitment

This week is a pretty special week for me because I am making a BIG life commitment…I’m getting married!

And so it has been making me ponder on the topic of commitment. Not just commitment in relationships, but the commitment that is required when we are bringing about change in our lives. There is a power and magic that is generated when we commit whole-heartedly to things and it is important to know what to expect when you do because, much like with change, a natural resistance can at first come up when we commit to the things we want in life.

And so that is the topic of this Pep-talk

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to set yourself free with boundaries

In the workshop we explored:

  • What boundaries actually are

  • How to use them to design a life you love

  • How to lay healthy boundaries with people in your life

  • How to communicate boundaries in a way that doesn't feel scary

You'll go away clear on areas where you need to lay firmer boundaries and how to actually do it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker


Journeys of change are an essential part of life, particularly when we are committed to creating lives, careers and relationships we love. But they are never easy. Growth and change are hard, even when you’re a coach who has been coaching people through change for almost two decades!

And so in today’s pep-talk I look back on the recent change journey I’ve been through over the past year as I’ve evolved my business to explore why change always feels hard and the things that can help make it feel a littler easier.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker


I'm officially back from 2 glorious weeks of being fully unplugged and switched off and it really has been everything I hoped it would be. I have returned feeling fully recharged, with my cup full to over-flowing and new dreams and plans that have me feeling excited and grounded all at the same time.

THAT is the power of fully switching off.

And so in this week's Pep-talk I wanted to share how I got on with my big SWITCH OFF holiday and why I believe August is the perfect time, not just for switching off, but for reflecting and dreaming, with the 'New (School) Year' not far off on the horizon!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Navigating friendship

Friendships can be complex - more than we often give them credit for. They can be huge sources of love and support, but they can also be the cause of real heartbreak. And so today I dive into the topic of friendship: how to cultivate deep and loving friendships, what to do when you find yourself in an unhealthy friendship and how to handle friendship breakups.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The art of switching off

By the time you are listening to this recording I will have taken off on my yearly two week, zero work, FULLY SWITCH OFF holiday! ☀️

And as I know a lot of you are taking time off over the Summer, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the art of switching off: why it’s not always easy to do and how to get intentional about it, making sure you have tools and simple practices to hand that will help to calm down your chattering mind.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to design a Summer for YOU

Whether you’re going on a big Summer holiday or planning some smaller trips to enjoy the Summer weather (albeit a bit rainy here in the UK), it can be a great opportunity to get intentional and design your holiday time so that it gives you what YOU need.

So in this workshop, I guide you through an exercise that helps you to get clear on what you’d like to fill your life with this Summer - how you’d like to feel, what you want to do and the experiences you’d like to have.

And then we turn it into a life design plan!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to dance in the dark

My dear friend and Club You member, Cordelia, is my inspiration for today’s Pep-talk.

At the time of recording this pep-talk she is rising up to face yet another brain tumour, with such love, hope and gratitude that it takes my breath away.

She is such a source of inspiration in how to face the hardest of times with love, how to find strength and support amongst the trees and how to dance through the darkness.

And so today’s Pep-talk is all about Cordelia and what she has to teach us about life and dancing in the dark.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Living with a busy mind

This past month, doing Time to Thrive (because I do it as well as lead it) and learning about my Enneagram thanks to our Club You workshop (and Katie) and this brilliant podcast episode has been a HUGE eye-opener as to what a MASSIVE Over-Thinker I am and how my beautiful, active thinking mind has a tendency to DOMINATE and can end up exhausting me, if I’m not intentionally bringing it back into balance.

So if that sounds familiar, then this pep-talk is for you. Tune in to find out how I’ve been getting to know my ‘busy’ mind a little better and the practical tools I use to keep it calm, grounded, focused and in balance.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

July Quarterly Check-in

It’s that time of the year, where we all get out our ‘Goodbye, Hello’ journals and reflect on how the past 3 months have been and set intentions and goals for the next three months that lie ahead!

And for this check-in, we have a very special treat: I was joined by three Club You members - Anna, Hannah and Ellie - and we had a gorgeous session. These ladies were so generous in sharing openly and vulnerably about how the last three months have been for them and the insights and lessons they’ve learnt along the way.

Grab your journal and join us for a group July check-in!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

You don’t always need to thrive

This might seem like a controversial thing for me to say but, we can't expect to be thriving ALL of the time.

Because suffering, grief, loss and pain are an unavoidable part of life. And WHEN we are going through those moments, expecting ourselves to be thriving wouldn't be fair. It's like expecting ourselves to feel light and happy during tough times.

And that is what I wanted to talk about in this week's Pep-Talk.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Take yourself on a solo date

Have you ever taken yourself out on a solo date? Or has it been a long time since you did? In today’s Pep-talk I talk about why it is so powerful and important for us all to take ourselves out on solo dates, why we can resist it and how to do it if you’ve never tried it before!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s get rebellious!

In a world that tells us that we should follow the rules, be obedient workers and put the needs of others before our own, it IS a rebellious act to choose your own path in life and choose to make your own happiness and wellbeing a top priority. So let’s get rebellious!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How are opposite sides can work together

Have you ever felt that there are two sides of you that seem so completely opposite that they are almost in battle? I see this a LOT when I’m coaching people and they can be stuck in this struggle between their two opposing sides for YEARS.

And I know how it feels because I was in a battle like this for a long time myself. But what I have come to discover through coaching people through it and going through it myself is that not only can we have two very different sides to us, when we find a way for those different sides of us to work together, it is often the key to us finally thriving in life.

And so THAT is the topic of today’s Monday Pep-Talk 😍

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Exploring spiritual energy

Of the FIVE ENERGY ZONES - Physical, Emotional, Mental, Motivational and Spiritual - Spiritual Energy can be the hardest one to grasp and the easiest one to dismiss. But last week I was reminded of just how important it is to keep your Spiritual Energy topped up and the different ways we can do it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Values, joy and managing your energy

This Pep-Talk is jam-packed! I was BUZZING when I hit record and a LOT came tumbling out!

I talk about:- knowing your values, managing your energy, living life to the full and not holding back expressing your joy and passion when you are feeling it.

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