Living with a busy mind

This past month, doing Time to Thrive (because I do it as well as lead it) and learning about my Enneagram thanks to our Club You workshop (and Katie) and this brilliant podcast episode has been a HUGE eye-opener as to what a MASSIVE Over-Thinker I am and how my beautiful, active thinking mind has a tendency to DOMINATE and can end up exhausting me, if I’m not intentionally bringing it back into balance.

So if that sounds familiar, then this pep-talk is for you. Tune in to find out how I’ve been getting to know my ‘busy’ mind a little better and the practical tools I use to keep it calm, grounded, focused and in balance.

You can also listen directly here in Soundcloud

And then come and join in the conversation over in the Club You Whatsapp group


And if you want to grab a Strategy Session spot in my Summer Flash Sale, head on over here!


How to dance in the dark


July Quarterly Check-in