Selina Barker Selina Barker

Living with a busy mind

This past month, doing Time to Thrive (because I do it as well as lead it) and learning about my Enneagram thanks to our Club You workshop (and Katie) and this brilliant podcast episode has been a HUGE eye-opener as to what a MASSIVE Over-Thinker I am and how my beautiful, active thinking mind has a tendency to DOMINATE and can end up exhausting me, if I’m not intentionally bringing it back into balance.

So if that sounds familiar, then this pep-talk is for you. Tune in to find out how I’ve been getting to know my ‘busy’ mind a little better and the practical tools I use to keep it calm, grounded, focused and in balance.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Take yourself on a solo date

Have you ever taken yourself out on a solo date? Or has it been a long time since you did? In today’s Pep-talk I talk about why it is so powerful and important for us all to take ourselves out on solo dates, why we can resist it and how to do it if you’ve never tried it before!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Values, joy and managing your energy

This Pep-Talk is jam-packed! I was BUZZING when I hit record and a LOT came tumbling out!

I talk about:- knowing your values, managing your energy, living life to the full and not holding back expressing your joy and passion when you are feeling it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The importance of marking milestones

Last week marked a year since I launched Project You. It can be so easy to be focused on ‘what next?’, particularly when you’re running a business, but it is SO important to mark milestones and use them as a chance to celebrate, reflect and learn. And so I decided to do my reflections out-loud and record it for today’s Pep-Talk, because I have learnt some really valuable lessons over this past year and wanted to share them with you.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s make it as easy as possible

What would it be like if you decided to make things as easy as possible for yourself - at work, at home and everywhere in between?And why DON'T we make things as easy as possible? Why do we so often seem to make things harder? That is the topic of this Monday Pep-Talk…let’s dive in!

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Life design Selina Barker Life design Selina Barker

Checking in with yourself

How often do you properly check-in with yourself? On a daily basis, weekly basis, every few months?

Checking-in with yourself is an essential part of designing a life you love and yet, I have to admit, sometimes I fall out of the practice of doing it as much as I need to and forget to do it when I’m feeling in a funk.

And so, in today’s episode, I talk about the power of checking in with yourself and the different ways we can do it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

What do you need to forgive yourself for?

As you look back at last year, is there anything you need to forgive yourself for? Did you push yourself too hard? did you give up too easily on a dream that was important to you? did you burn yourself out from working too much and not knowing how to care for yourself? We are all imperfect human beings and so we will all from time to time need to forgive ourselves (and one another) so let’s do that…

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Abundance and Money Mindset with Dr Tilean

Dr Tilean is a chartered psychologist (and my former coach) and she is THE QUEEN at helping people step out of their self-limiting narratives and fully into their power, particularly when it comes to abundance, money and fully living your dreams.

And so THAT is why I wanted to bring her onto Club You as a special guest expert.

We dive deep into the topics of Abundance, Money Mindsets, Upper Limiting and how to get out of our own way and step back into your power.

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