Values, joy and managing your energy

This Pep-Talk is jam-packed! I was BUZZING when I hit record and a LOT came tumbling out!

Today's Pep-Talk covers the topics of: - Values - how powerful and life affirming the Values exercise has been

-Joy and how it has taken me seventeen years to finally access joy on a regular basis

- Enjoying life to the full, even when you're doing mundane stuff like taking out the bins and going to the shops 😂

- Why we mustn’t hold back with our joy, enthusiasm and passion when we are feeling it, because it can help energise and lift others up and when we are going through a hard time, we’ll need others to lift US up. We all go through seasons of winter and summer. So share your sunshine when you are feeling it 😎

Join in the conversation about today’s Pep-Talk over in the Club You Whatsapp Group


Exploring spiritual energy


Getting clear on your values