Letting Go of Urgency

It can be so easy to get caught up in a sense of urgency. Panic sets in and suddenly you feel as if you’re in a race against time and have to do everything at hyper speed.

I explore why urgency is such a strong force in the work place (and why it burns us out) but also how many of us were raised in an environment of urgency as children, constantly being shouted at to hurry up, by parents who were being stretched too thin.

And that belief that we need to hurry up can have a big impact on how we operate as adults.

Listen to the episode below or over on your favourite podcast channel (once you’ve subscribed here) and join me in this conversation over in the Club You WhatsApp group

Here is the instagram live I mention in the episode, where I was interviewed by Zoe Blaskey from Motherkind


Taking a leap


Harnessing Back to School Energy