Selina Barker Selina Barker

The importance of marking milestones

Last week marked a year since I launched Project You. It can be so easy to be focused on ‘what next?’, particularly when you’re running a business, but it is SO important to mark milestones and use them as a chance to celebrate, reflect and learn. And so I decided to do my reflections out-loud and record it for today’s Pep-Talk, because I have learnt some really valuable lessons over this past year and wanted to share them with you.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

What if…?

Despite the general mess of our economic and political situation (certainly here in the UK) and the rising cost of living, on an individual level there seem to be more and more people talking about they feel they are stepping into a new chapter in life and they are excited about it.

And so that has inspired today's Pep-Talk where I pose the question: what if life after the pandemic were even better than the life you were living before?

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Cultivating loving friendships

Last week I went to Ibiza with a wonderful group of girlfriends. We laughed, danced, caught up on life and cuddled. And throughout it all we kept saying how grateful and lucky we felt - for the deep, loving friendship that we have.

And so I wanted to talk about friendship in today’s Monday Pep-Talk - how to cultivate loving friendships, how to be discerning about the friends we choose and how sometimes we need to let go of people in our lives, when we realise they are not being good friends to us.

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Balance & designing a life you love

Today’s Monday Pep-talk is recorded from my favourite summer spot: my hammock! It felt like an appropriate spot as we officially step into Summer here in the Northern Hemisphere and inspired today’s episode about BALANCE. Balance can often be a controversial topic these days but I’m a big believer that it’s an important part of designing a life you love.

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making your dreams come true Selina Barker making your dreams come true Selina Barker

How to handle not yet living the dream

It can be hard when you have a clear vision of the life you want to be living and you’re putting in time and effort to create that life for yourself, but you haven’t got there yet. How do you handle the feelings of overwhelm, frustration or disappointment when you compare the life you’re living today to the dream life you are making every effort to head towards?

Well that is the topic of today’s Pep-Talk!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

What stops us from dreaming

Carrying on from last week’s Monday Pep-Talk, all about dreaming and how to exercise that dream muscle, in this week’s Pep-Talk I take a look at what STOPS us from dreaming.

Tune in and see if there are any areas of your life where you might have been stopping yourself from dreaming and let's see what opens up when you start to identify and let go of limiting beliefs and narratives that might be getting in your way

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making your dreams come true Selina Barker making your dreams come true Selina Barker

Time to dream

Learning the practical art of dreaming and turning your dreams into reality is at the heart of designing a life you love and this Monday Pep-Talk is designed to get you starting to unlock any dreams of yours that may have been hiding in the shadows and seeing the very real magic we all have of being able to make our own dreams come true.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s make it as easy as possible

What would it be like if you decided to make things as easy as possible for yourself - at work, at home and everywhere in between?And why DON'T we make things as easy as possible? Why do we so often seem to make things harder? That is the topic of this Monday Pep-Talk…let’s dive in!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Treat yourself to a day free of responsibilities

If you ever find the weight of daily responsibilities, never-ending to-do lists and general adulting gets too much from time to time, then this Pep-Talk is for you. It's all about the importance of treating yourself to moments where you get to be totally free of all of your responsibilities.

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Life design Selina Barker Life design Selina Barker

Checking in with yourself

How often do you properly check-in with yourself? On a daily basis, weekly basis, every few months?

Checking-in with yourself is an essential part of designing a life you love and yet, I have to admit, sometimes I fall out of the practice of doing it as much as I need to and forget to do it when I’m feeling in a funk.

And so, in today’s episode, I talk about the power of checking in with yourself and the different ways we can do it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Don’t wait for permission

We can so often think we have to wait for permission to be able to do what we want to do or be who we want to be. But that is absolutely not the case.

And so THAT is the topic of today’s Pep-Talk!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Making friends with stress

Stress is one of the most important and most misunderstood topics. Did you know, for example, that there are TWO types of stress? 'Good' stress and 'bad' stress? And that in the modern working world we are mistakenly running on the 'BAD' stress most of the time??

Well hit play on today's Pep-talk and you'll find out aaaaall about it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Self love workshop

In this workshop you will explore the power of self-love, unpacking your own understanding of self-love, the resistance you might have to it (and why this is common in our society) and how you can start practicing self-love or deepen your self-love practice.

By the end of the workshop you will have cleared some of your own blocks to self-love, tuned in to that loving part of yourself and created your own self-love toolkit that you can get started on straight away!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to make sure you stick to your plan

Getting clear on what you want to fill your life with and the dreams you want to go after is one half of designing a life you love. The second half is actually DOING it.

So learning what helps you to overcome your own sabotaging efforts and make sure you DO the things in your Life Design plan are what this Pep-Talk are all about.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Design your life one project at a time

PROJECTS are a big part of designing a life you love. I’ve been designing my life one project at a time for over a decade now. They are THE most powerful way I know of turning your dreams into reality.

And so today I wanted to dive into the topic of projects and how to use them to turn your dreams and ideas into reality and design a life you love.

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