Design your life one project at a time


PROJECTS are a big part of designing a life you love. I’ve been designing my life one project at a time for over a decade now. They are THE most powerful way I know of turning your dreams into reality.

And so today I wanted to dive into the topic of projects and how to use them to turn your dreams and ideas into reality and design a life you love.

And I invite you this week, if you haven’t already, to have a go at filling in the My Project worksheet that was part of the ‘How to design a life you love in 2023’ workshop last week.

>> My Project You fillable worksheet
>> My Project You printable worksheet (this is also the one to use on an ipad/tablet with a digital pen)

Listen to today’s Monday Pep-talk below or over here on Soundcloud

And then come to our brand new…

PROJECT YOU WEDNESDAYS @1pm GMT every Wednesday!

​We came up with this idea at the workshop and I LOVE it!

The idea is that every Wednesday at 1pm GMT we have a drop-in session where we can all come together, hang out as a community and each get some focused time working on our projects (plus a chance for you to get some help from me if you need it).

And so Project You Wednesdays have been born!

Join us over on Zoom at @1pm GMT every Wednesday for an hour (or as long as you can) and use it to take some focused action around your Life Design Project. We'll start off by each declaring what we're going to be focusing on doing in the session and then, using the pomodoro method, we'll do 20 mins of focused activity and then take a 5 min break, then another 20 mins of focused activity and then 10 mins at the end to celebrate what we've done.

The first one will be THIS WEEK Wednesday 8th February @1pm
Meeting ID: 821 2101 9544
Passcode: 1111


How to make sure you stick to your plan


You don’t always have to dream big