You don’t always have to dream big

You don’t have to dream big to design a life you love.

This is something I’ve really been thinking a lot about lately. There is so much messaging at this time of year around dreaming BIG and anything is possible. And while I LOVE to dream and always encourage people to take their dreams seriously, I don’t believe that we always have to dream BIG to design lives we love. In fact sometimes the pressure to do so can get in the way of us going after what will really make us feel happy and fulfilled in life.

And so that is what I’m talking about in today’s Monday Pep-Talk!

Tune in here or over here on Soundcloud

👇Then let me know what your focus or intention is for 2023 in the comments below! 👇

🎟 And I'll see you tomorrow night - 31st January at 8pm - for our first WORKSHOP!

I’ll send you the invite and the Zoom link tomorrow.

x Selina


Design your life one project at a time


How to get a healthy buzz