How to get a healthy buzz


Does January feel like the LONGEST month in history to you, or is it just me because I have chosen to go slow this month 😂? I have to say, my soul and nervous system are loving it, but last week I started to feel a little, well, restless and, dare I say it, a tiny bit bored.

This is common when you deliberately go into a slower gear after speeding along at 100mph. And it can sometimes be this restlessness and boredom that has us seek out the adrenaline boosting busyness.

But that just gets us back into the vicious cycle.

And so last week I had fun finding a healthy way to get the buzz I was missing, while maintaining the delicious slowness of pace.

And in today's pep-talk I share what I did to get that healthy buzz and I share a story of my father's journey from nervous breakdown to slowing down and finding that healthy buzz in life too.

And yes, this is our new home from now on! Leaving comments below is super easy - you just have to sign up to disqus once and then you'll be able to do it anytime you're in here

And this week I'll be sending you a proper welcome to the all new Club You and next Tuesday is our first live workshop: 'How to design a life you love in 2023'
🎟It’s free to Club You members and £25 to non-members! And I cannot wait to run it!

Book it in to your calendar now! Tuesday, 31st January, @8pm-9.15pm

Hope to see you there!

And now hit play to get a healthy buzz to start your week 🤗

x Selina

You can also listen directly here on Soundcloud

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