Turning boring chores into self-care tools

Recently I've found myself looking at the 'boring' daily chores in life in a new way. Reframing them as self-care activities and using them deliberately to recharge my batteries, clear my head, release stress, get energised.

It's given me a new appreciation for the mundane chores in life and realising that when we reframe them and see how each of the activities can be used to nourish us, they stop being boring and start being valuable tools as part of our self-care toolkit.

And so that is what I'm diving into in today's Pep-talk and I'd love to hear what daily chores YOU use as opportunities for mindfulness or ways to clear your head and recharge your batteries - let me know in the comments below 👇

x Selina


You can also listen to it over here on Soundcloud


Checking in with yourself


Don’t wait for permission