What if…?

I'm really feeling a shift in the collective atmosphere at the moment. As if a hopefulness, that hasn't been around since the start of the pandemic, is starting to return. Despite the general mess of our economic and political situation (certainly here in the UK) and the rising cost of living, on an individual level I'm hearing more and more people talking about they feel they are stepping into a new chapter in life and they are excited about it.

And so that has inspired today's Pep-Talk where I pose the question: what if life after the pandemic were even better than the life you were living before?

Tune into the Pep-Talk below or over on  Soundcloud  and join in the conversation over on  Whatsapp 

NEXT WEEK’S WORKSHOP! Tuesday 23rd May @7pm UK time
How to get clear on your values (and live by them)

Get the date in your calendar - it’s always lovely to have you join live if you can!


The importance of marking milestones


Cultivating loving friendships