How are opposite sides can work together

Have you ever felt that there are two sides of you that seem so completely opposite that they are almost in battle? Maybe on one hand you are ambitious and driven and on the other hand you love nothing more than relaxing and enjoying the simple pleasures in life with zero pressure? Or maybe on one hand you love to socialise and meet new people and on the other hand you love to be on your own, enjoying the silence and solitude?

I see this a LOT when I’m coaching people. They don’t know how to marry together their opposing sides. They often feel that they should STOP being one way to fully embrace being the other way. They can be stuck in this struggle between their two opposing sides for YEARS.

And I know how it feels because I was in a battle like this for a long time myself. But what I have come to discover through coaching people through it and going through it myself is that not only can we have two very different sides to us, when we find a way for those different sides of us to work together, it is often the key to us finally thriving in life.

And so THAT is the topic of today’s Monday Pep-Talk 😍

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Let’s get rebellious!


Exploring spiritual energy