Going back through 7 years of dreams in my journals

In this week's pep-talk I share about the powerful experience of going back through seven years of my 'Goodbye, Hello' journals, in particular looking back at the big dreams that didn't happen. As you may have read in my newsletter on Friday, it has been a hugely cathartic exercise. One that has left me feeling a deep sense of peace and acceptance, where before there was, on some level, a feeling of shame and failure.

If you want to have a go at this exercise too, now or over the Christmas holidays, then here are the questions I used to guide me through this.

  1. Of the dreams you've written down in the past, what dreams have come true? ​

  2. What dreams haven’t come true exactly as you’d imagined/hoped but in ESSENCE they have (eg you might not have the 6 bedroom dream home in the countryside that you love, but instead you DO have a 2 bed flat that in town that you love and it’s the ‘having a home that you love’ that was the most important part of the dream) ​

  3. Which of your dreams that didn’t come true are you glad didn't come true. And why? ​

  4. Of the dreams that didn’t come true, what do you want to recommit to now?

Listen to the episode below or over on your favourite podcast channel (once you’ve subscribed here

And then come and join in the conversation over in the Club You Whatsapp group


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