Create a Christmas for YOU

So sorry about the delay on this today! I completely forgot until this morning that I hadn't actually sent it out to you. You may have seen it pop up already this morning on your podcast channel here.

But if not you can listen to it now below or over here in Soundcloud .

And today's pep-talk is all about how to make sure that you make this Christmas about you and not just about everyone else.

Because, whatever your plans are and however you feel about Christmas, it can be a time where we can get so easily taken over by a sense of urgency, finding ourselves drowning in to-do lists and thinking about everyone else, but never ourselves.

So just in case that has been happening to you or if it starts to, this pep-talk is here to help you get back on track and making sure that you make this a Christmas that you can enjoy.

x Selina


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