WORKSHOP | The Power of Rest

It’s time to get into the juicy topic of rest. And above all get clear on how we can each make sure we are getting the rest that we really need. Because if we want to really thrive in life, we need to learn how to really rest.

And so, in this workshop we dive into why, when it is so important for our wellbeing, we resist rest so much, what resting actually looks like (and the different kinds of rest we need) and how to weave those different kinds of rest into our day to day lives (no matter how busy you are).

As ever it was a gorgeous workshop, thanks to the generous sharing of those that joined live. I got some seriously important insights into what I need for rest. So I really hope you do too.

Grab your notebook, hit play and dive into this workshop. And then come and let us know in the Club You Whatsapp Group what rest you are committing to doing more of.

x Selina


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