WORKSHOP: Lessons learnt in 2023

In this workshop we look back at 2023 and reflect on what each of us went through - the highs and the lows and what lessons we can learn from it all. It was so powerful to do this in community and listen to what one another had been through, how we had grown and what we had learnt.

For many of those that joined live, 2023 has been a tough year and actually while it can feel tempting to slam the door shut on tough years, it was beautiful to witness the power of looking back, to acknowledge the challenges and tough times we have faced, the moments of joy and happiness that still never-the-less happened and the lessons we can learn from it all.


  • How are you feeling as you come to the end of 2023?

  • In the bigger picture of your life, what would this year be remembered for?

  • What area (s) of your life do you feel you grew and learnt the most?

  • What lessons did you learn in each of those areas?

  • What have been the biggest challenges you have faced this year?

  • What has drained you this year?

  • What have you learnt this year really needs to change?

  • What are you grateful for having learnt this year?

  • What do you want to do in 2024 inspired by the lessons learnt? Both the tough lessons and the lessons you are grateful for?


Welcome to Slowanuary!


What are you ready to let go of in 2024?