Taking it slow in a world of urgency

When I checked in on the Club You whatsapp group last week I heard a lot of people talking about the struggle of going slow in January when not everyone around them is taking that approach and so I wanted to make that the topic of this week's pep-talk, because it is a really important topic that we all have to address if we want to truly thrive in life.

Because we are in a world that is always in a state of urgency, moving too fast, never switching off, permanently fixated on progress and productivity and in order to thrive we have to find a way of unplugging from the urgency so that we can move at a pace that allows us to thrive.

Turns out I had a LOT to say on this topic, so this is quite a long episode, but I wanted to also share how January can be a great month for laying the foundations for the rest of the year so that we are giving ourselves what we need in order to thrive.

So, hit play and dive in!

Listen to the episode below or over on your favourite podcast channel (once you’ve subscribed here)

And then come and join in the conversation over in the Club You Whatsapp


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