Selina Barker Selina Barker

Navigating getting older

How do you feel about getting older? Is it something you struggle with? Something you get excited about? Something you don't care about?

I wanted to focus on this topic this week because a fellow Club You member asked me to and I think it is a wonderfully juicy topic to dive into, because getting older isn't easy in a society that celebrates and idolises youth.

Plus the topic ties in beautifully with my ​conversation with Donna Lancaster ​on becoming an elder vs elderly on my Another Way podcast that came out week before last :)

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

WORKSHOP: How to manage your energy

In this workshop we explore how to become a master at managing your energy 🤗

If you did Time to Thrive with me last year you’ll know all about the 5 energy zones and this will be a great way to revisit them and see which energy zone needs some extra attention and TLC.

If you’ve never dived into this topic with me before then you’ll find out all about the 5 Energy Zones and how becoming a master at managing your energy is, I believe, the key to thriving in this fast-paced world of ours. And, of course, how to do it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Permission to be you

We can give ourselves such a hard time sometimes, beating ourselves up for not being more this or less that. And it's not our fault - we are bombarded of images of how we 'should' be all the time. Even in the personal development world, there is a lot of talk of being your 'best' self. All of this can add up to make us think that we are not good enough and out come the sticks to beat ourselves with.

And so in today's pep-talk I dive into this and offer another way of looking at things, where we get to be who we are, no trying to better ourselves, no trying to change, but instead accepting ourselves and loving ourselves exactly as we are.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Cutting back energy weeds

This week's pep-talk is inspired by a post I saw on Substack last week by a friend who said she was running an experiment of not checking her emails until 5pm and how it was having a significant and very positive impact on her mental wellbeing, productivity and even her sleep.

I decided to give it a go myself, but actually emails aren't my personal kryptonite so it had little effect. So, the following day I decided to experiment with putting a ring fence around my Whatsapp usage and that made a HUGE difference.

So I'm inviting you to see if there are any energy weeds you need to take care of and suggest trying out some experiments of your own this coming week.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Looking after your future self

How well do you look after your future self? Are you always careful to make sure you are giving yourself the time and support you need?

Do you always take into consideration how much energy something will take and check that you will have the capacity for it?

Because while I'm getting better at it, I certainly still find myself making plans for my future self that, when I get there I wonder why in the world I could have thought that would be a good idea.

And so I wanted to make this the focus of our enquiry this week.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s take a look at success

You may have seen by now that on Saturday I finally launched my brand new podcast Another Way, with Emma Gannon as my very first special guest talking about how to break free from the success myths that can hold so many of us back, so that we end up chasing after all the wrong goals. Goals that just don't lead to happiness or fulfilment.

And so this week I'm suggesting a double whammy podcast session: this week's pep-talk + ​the Success Myth episode on Another Way​.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s make mistakes!

If we're going to be free to play, create and design live we love, then we need to embrace making mistakes. Because not only do we learn from mistakes, but sometimes they are the very things that get us onto the path we've been looking for all along.

And so that is what I wanted to talk about in this week's pep-talk. It's time for us to lean in and get ready to make mistakes!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

WORKSHOP: Let’s Play

Ooh this was a juicy one! In this workshop we explore the power of play - what play for adults can look like and how weaving it into our day to day lives can help us to thrive. With a special guest experience from Club You member and Play Therapist, Catherine Collins.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Time to fill up your cup

Every year I see people reach the Easter break feeling completely and utterly spent. And of course so many of us do. We're coming to the end of a long, cold, dark winter. And winters are tough, particularly if you ignore your body's need to hibernate and just push on through.

And so I think that at the start of spring we should first focus on our recovery after a long winter, harnessing that spring energy to focus on you and filling up your cup. And so that is what today's pep-talk is all about.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Are you being too serious?

One of the things I see stopping people time and time again, is this idea that now, because they are an adult, they have to be serious, sensible, realistic. Being too serious really can stifle you, dim your light and stop you from creating the life you really want to live. And ALL of us can fall prey to it.

So in today’s pep-talk I dive into the topic of seriousness and invite you to look at where you might be getting too serious in life and how you can bring more lightness, play and fun to the situation.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The importance of play

Play is not something we’re supposed to stop doing when we grow from childhood into adulthood. Play is an essential part of experiencing what it is to be fully human, alive and in the moment. It helps us to grow, to fill up our cup and to get to know ourselves better.

And so in this week’s pep-talk I dive into why play is so important and how to bring more play into our day to day lives.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to make bigger changes in your life

Following on from last week's workshop on 'How to make work work for you', I wanted to dive more in depth into what to do if you realise bigger changes need to be made to the way you work. And, in fact, this applies to making bigger changes in any area of your life.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to Make Work Work for You

In this workshop I take you through a series of questions to help you first do an audit of your work - what's working and what isn't working and then we dive in to tackle an area where you are feeling most stuck. I added an extra half hour on the end to work 1:1 with some people which can be really valuable to watch if you find yourself feeling stuck in finding a way forward.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Unpacking your beliefs about work

What are your beliefs when it comes to work? And are they helping you or hindering you? Do they encourage you to create a career doing things that you love or are they keeping you stuck doing work that makes you feel miserable, bored or stressed out because your beliefs tell you ‘that’s just the way it is’? In today’s pep-talk I invite you to explore your beliefs around work and see how you can upgrade your beliefs to give you permission to do work that you actually enjoy doing.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Know your strengths & weaknesses

We all each have a natural set of strengths and weaknesses and in order to thrive at work (and in life) we need to learn how to play to our strengths and work around our weaknesses.

Because when we don’t, it can have a seriously negative impact on our confidence and can often be the reason why people find themselves feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, overwhelmed, miserable and burnt out at work.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The post-commitment wobble

You’ve chosen the dream you want to go after, turned it into a project and taken your first steps. So, now what?

Well now, it is highly likely that your Shitty Committee is going to come charging in to tell you what a terrible idea it is, filling you with doubts and fears and persuading you (often sneakily) to NOT do that thing you want to do.

But don’t worry, if this IS happening to you as you embark on a new project, know that this is a very natural part of the journey and in today’s Pep-Talk I talk about why it happens and what to do when it does 🤗

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The power of accountability

Accountability is one of the most powerful ways that we can make sure our dreams become a reality. Having people around us, that know what we are wanting to achieve and make happen in our lives and that want to support us and cheer us on, can make such a difference. And so, in today’s Pep-Talk I wanted to talk about accountability and the different ways we can have people holding us accountable as we design lives we love.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s Make It Happen!

In this workshop you will learn how to take a dream of yours and turn it into a practical project that will turn it into reality.

I’ll be taking you step by step through the simple, but powerful project process that I’ve been using with my clients and in my own life for almost two decades, to turn any dream or desire for change, no matter how big, into a practical project that breaks it down into bite-sized manageable steps. So that step by step you can bring about the change you dream of, no matter how busy you are and no matter how much (or how little) time you have.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Time to take your dreams seriously

in this Pep-Talk I dive deep into the topic of designing a life you love, one project at a time and how to choose which dream you want to take seriously next in your life, so that you can bring it to this month’s workshop - ‘Let’s Make It Happen’!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Creating systems to make life easier

Often when there are areas of our lives where we are experiencing a regular feeling of overwhelm, stress, chaos or frustration, what can be missing is in fact a system - a way of doing things that will simplify life and make it easier. And so, in this week’s Pep-Talk I take a look at how we can bring simple systems into different areas of our lives to help us stay on track and design lives we love with as much ease and flow as possible.

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