Time to fill up your cup

If you saw my Substack newsletter on Friday or my journaling prompt on Sunday, you'll know I've been talking about how every year I see people reach the Easter break feeling completely and utterly spent. And of course so many of us do. We're coming to the end of a long, cold, dark winter. And winters are tough, particularly if you ignore your body's need to hibernate and just push on through.

And so I think that at the start of spring we should first focus on our recovery after a long winter, harnessing that spring energy to focus on you and filling up your cup. And so that is what today's pep-talk is all about.

Here is the bear I mention in the pep-talk (at least I think I did! 😂) - the one emerging from hibernation. Just like us!

x Selina

And then come and join in the conversation over in our Club You Chat

Here is the bear I mention in the pep-talk (at least I think I did! 😂) - the one emerging from hibernation. Just like us!


WORKSHOP: Let’s Play


Are you being too serious?