Navigating getting older

How do you feel about getting older? Is it something you struggle with? Something you get excited about? Something you don't care about?

I wanted to focus on this topic this week because a fellow Club You member asked me to and I think it is a wonderfully juicy topic to dive into, because getting older isn't easy in a society that celebrates and idolises youth. Plus our Shitty Committees seem to get totally obsessed with every new decade being a deadline by which we should have achieved a whole list of things and if we haven’t then, well…we must have failed.

The topic also ties in beautifully with my ​conversation with Donna Lancaster ​on becoming an elder vs elderly AND the episode with Emma Gannon on Success Myths on Another Way :)

So let’s dive in!

And then come and join in the conversation over in our Club You Chat


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WORKSHOP: How to manage your energy