How to Make Work Work for You
In this workshop I take you through a series of questions to help you first do an audit of your work - what's working and what isn't working - and then we dive in to tackle an area where you are feeling most stuck. I added an extra half hour on the end to work 1:1 with some people which can be really valuable to watch if you find yourself feeling stuck in finding a way forward.
x Selina
Here are the journaling questions you answer as you make your way through the workshop:
What’s working?
What are you enjoying?
What are you doing that is working?
What are you NOT doing that is working?
What isn’t working?
What are you finding stressful?
What are you REALLY not enjoying?
What are you finding really hard?
What is making you feel stuck and miserable?
In an ideal world I would….
The story I’m telling myself is that it’s not possible because…
If I thought it was possible I would…
I am therefore going to have a go at doing that.
So my next steps are going to be: