Unpacking your beliefs about work
What are your beliefs when it comes to work? And are they helping you or hindering you? Do they encourage you to create a career doing things that you love or are they keeping you stuck doing work that makes you feel miserable, bored or stressed out because your beliefs tell you ‘that’s just the way it is’? In today’s pep-talk I invite you to explore your beliefs around work and see how you can upgrade your beliefs to give you permission to do work that you actually enjoy doing.
Journaling prompts:
What did I grow up believing about work?
What was I told work should be?
What are the limiting beliefs I have around work?
I don’t belief work can be…
I feel that work always has to be…
I was raised to believe that work was…
I would love to believe that work could be…
Work is…<insert your answer to the sentence stem above>