Know your strengths & weaknesses

If there is one thing I wish they would have told us all at school and that frankly, I wish they would tell us all now, it’s that none of us is supposed to be good at everything.

We all each have a natural set of strengths and weaknesses and in order to thrive at work (and in life) we need to learn how to play to our strengths and work around our weaknesses.

Because when we don’t, when we find ourselves working too much in our areas of weakness (telling ourselves that we can and must get better), it can have a seriously negative impact on our confidence and can often be the reason why people find themselves feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, overwhelmed, miserable and burnt out at work.

And so in today’s pep-talk I dive into this topic and look at how we can each lean more into our strengths and work around our weaknesses.

Here is a free test to try if you don’t know what your Myers Briggs personality profile is:

16 Personalities

Listen to the episode below or over on your favourite podcast channel (once you’ve subscribed here)

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Unpacking your beliefs about work


The post-commitment wobble