Cutting back energy weeds

This week's pep-talk is inspired by a post I saw on Substack last week by a friend who said she was running an experiment of not checking her emails until 5pm and how it was having a significant and very positive impact on her mental wellbeing, productivity and even her sleep.

I decided to give it a go myself, but actually emails aren't my personal kryptonite so it had little effect. So, the following day I decided to experiment with putting a ring fence around my Whatsapp usage and that made a HUGE difference.

So I'm inviting you to see if there are any energy weeds you need to take care of and suggest trying out some experiments of your own this coming week.

Tune in to today's Pep-Talk to find out more...

And then come and join in the conversation over in our Club You Chat


Permission to be you


Looking after your future self