The power of accountability

Accountability is one of the most powerful ways that we can make sure our dreams become a reality. Having people around us, that know what we are wanting to achieve and make happen in our lives and that want to support us and cheer us on, can make such a difference. And so, in today’s Pep-Talk I wanted to talk about accountability and the different ways we can have people holding us accountable as we design lives we love.

Listen to the Pep-Talk below, over on Soundcloud or by subscribing over on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

Are you interested in an accountability partnership or trio?

Come and let me know over in the ‘Accountability Partners’ topic in the Club You Chat - simply share what your project is and how often you’d like to have a check-in.

Running your first accountability check-in? Here are some questions you could try:

OPTION 1: What’s working, what’s not working, what I’m going to focus on doing between now and our next check-in

OPTION 2: A celebration, a challenge, what I’m going to focus on between now and our next session
OPTION 3: 20 mins on the timer to just talk about your project and use your partner(s) as a sounding board.


I’ve extended my offer on discounted one-off coaching sessions until end of Feb, so if you’re new to Club You (also OK if you’re not!) and you want a session, hit reply to any of my emails and let me know.


The post-commitment wobble


Let’s Make It Happen!