Selina Barker Selina Barker

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn

How do you feel about the summer coming to an end? For me, saying goodbye to summer always feels hard. It is always tinged with sadness, as if all the fun is coming to an end. And so, I created a guided journaling exercise called ‘Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn’ to help me say a fond farewell to the summer as it came to an end and then plan what I wanted to make autumn all about, so that I could actually look forward to it.

And honestly that simple exercise has been an absolute game changer.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Feeling our way

When people look back and tell the story about how they got somewhere, they will connect the dots, make it look tidy and linear, cut out all the doubts, fears, floundering and wrong turns they made along the way. They will often make it sound as if they took one clear step after another, as if the path ahead was clear to them, as if they were following a plan every step of the way.

But this is rarely how journeys really are. We have no idea what lies ahead. We are all in the dark and the best way to find the right path for us is to feel our way. 

And so this is the topic of today's pep-talk.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The surprising power of simple pleasures

Having spent the past few weeks making 'enjoying simple pleasures' a TOP priority in my life, I wanted to share just how powerful this experiment has been and some of the unexpected side effects that have come out of me prioritising pleasure. It just goes to shower the power of experimenting. Tune in to find out what some of those unexpected side effects have been!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Too much or not enough?

Do you ever feel like you're too much? Or how about feeling like you're not enough? This is a topic that has becoming up a lot recently in my coaching sessions. Introverts feeling that they are not enough and extraverts worrying that they are too much. And so in today's pep-talk I wanted to dive into this, exploring WHY so many of us feel this way and what to do about it.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Knowing when to make a new plan

This week's pep-talk explores the need to sometimes reassess and change the direction you're heading in and how anxiety can often be the helpful alarm that tells you you're not going the right way. I offer up a simple way to reprogramme your compass when that happens, so that you're going in a direction that really does suit you right NOW. Plus I invite you to use that same exercise to set an intention for the remainder of August. I did this last week and I have been loving it already!

And tomorrow, 20th August is our monthly workshop and this one is a Q&A + Coaching workshop for anyone that would like some guidance, tips or coaching from me. Tune in to find out more!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Switching back ON after a break away

I am back from my holiday and going through that gear shift from holiday mode, back into work mode. And while many of us can struggle to switch off when we go on holiday, switching back on when we return from our break can also be challenging.

And so in today's Pep-Talk I look at what you can do to help you get intentional about switching back on after a break away and how to keep some of that lovely holiday energy going.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

What’s your missing ingredient?

This Pep-talk was inspired by a mantra that I have been repeating to myself recently on my yoga mat. It came to me one day and my first thought was 'booooring' but over time I have come to realise that actually what I had been dismissing all my life as 'boring' was in fact the missing ingredient that I needed in order to flourish. And so in today's pep-talk I share what that missing ingredient has been for me and invite you to get curious and see if you might have a missing ingredient that could help you to flourish more in life.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Self-love Summer

In this workshop we explore that all time juicy topic of self-love - how to do it and why we resist it. And in particular we'll be looking at what self-love looks like for you this season and how to use this holiday period to tune into self-love and fill up your cup (no matter how busy you are!)

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Design the summer for YOU

It can be easy for the holiday periods to pass by in a flash and if we have our schedules packed full of work and looking after other humans or animals, it can be easy to forget to spend time on the things that WE really want to do. So today's pep-talk is a chance to reflect on what you want this Summer to be all about for you and how to use your calendar to make sure that you will it with those things.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Different types of intuition

The pep-talk on intuition was so popular that I wanted to dive back into it again and this time explore the different kinds of intuition that we can experience. And if you think you’re NOT intuitive, think again. Just like creativity, I strongly believe that all humans are ALL intuitive to a degree. Tune and see which intuitive traits you resonate with and join in the conversation over in the Club You Chat x

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Let’s do a 6 month work review

Do you consider yourself intuitive? If so, do you use your intuition today or were you taught to ignore it and hide it away as you grew up? This was the topic of my Substack post this week and I wanted to dive even deeper into the topic with you and share with you my own journey of recognising my intuition and turning it into a practical tool in my life and work.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Tapping into your intuition

Do you consider yourself intuitive? If so, do you use your intuition today or were you taught to ignore it and hide it away as you grew up? This was the topic of my Substack post this week and I wanted to dive even deeper into the topic with you and share with you my own journey of recognising my intuition and turning it into a practical tool in my life and work.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Using the Goddess Archetypes to thrive

In this workshop we dive in to explore the seven Greek Goddess Archetypes and how these ancient patterns of human behaviour and the human psyche continue to play out in us today and how to use our understanding of these archetypes to get to know ourselves better and cultivate the different Goddess Archetypes in our lives to find balance and help us to thrive.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Putting you first

What would it be like if you gave yourself permission to put YOU first? Does it feel like a relief? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? DO you make it a priority to put your needs first? Or do you get caught up in that deep-rooted belief that your role it to look after OTHER people's needs and not your own? Well that is the topic of today's pep-talk. Tune in and join me in the Club You Chat to discuss!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

You, me and social media

This week's pep-talk is inspired by my own recent revelations and liberations around social media over the past few weeks, since I have really dived into ​Substack​.

I'm so excited about what I feel Substack can do for me as a business owner and it's also really had me addressing my relationship with social media in a positive way and I wanted to share my lessons and insights with you and invite YOU to check in on how your relationship with social media is.

And if you’re not already into Substack then check it out over ​here​. You just might love it too.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Cultivating peak experiences

Week before last I went to Spain and had the most magical experience. I experienced love in a way I never have done before and it was an experience that felt profound and deeply life affirming. As I was trying to make sense of it all, integrate the experience and bring myself back to earth last week, it made me reflect on what Maslow called 'peak experiences' - moments in life where we feel elevated momentarily into a different realm. And I wanted to explore how we can cultivate these peak experiences in our lives and look back at times in each of our own lives where we might have experienced these peak experiences.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

How to communicate your needs

Women in particular really struggle with acknowledging and communicating their needs. And it is not our fault. Many of us have been raised to ignore our needs, to feel shame for having needs and even more shame for having to ask for what we need.

But if you are wanting to live a life in which you get to thrive then you have to overcome this resistance to acknowledging your own needs and need to learn new tools and strategies that have you communicating your needs clearly, calmly and confidently.

And in this workshop we explore how to do exactly that.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

The power of a holiday

I am back from a truly glorious week in Spain and reminded of the power (and challenges) of fully switching off on holiday. But when you do, you are rewarded with a post-holiday surge of energy that can be a wonderful energy to harness and use when you are ready to bring about change in your life.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Making work work for you

Today’s way of working isn’t working for MOST OF US. Too many people are miserable and burnt out at work. In fact studies show that 70-80% are feeling that way. And it’s been my mission for the past two decades to show people that there IS another way.

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

Giving your life a spring clean

In this week's pep-talk I share about some changes that are happening in my business and how I've been through a spring clean of my business. After a number of years of allowing myself to experiment and try out lots of different ideas, I finally felt ready and in need of simplifying and streamlining. And I wanted to share about how I've been doing this a) so I can share with you what my next chapter is going to look like and b) to show you how you can take stock and spring clean areas of your own life.

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