Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn
How do you feel about the summer coming to an end?
For me, saying goodbye to summer always feels hard.
It is always tinged with sadness, as if all the fun is coming to an end.
In fact my end-of-summer blues got so bad a few years back that I finally decided I needed to do something about it.
And so, I created a guided journaling exercise called ‘Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn’ to help me say a fond farewell to the summer as it came to an end and then plan what I wanted to make autumn all about, so that I could actually look forward to it.
And honestly that simple exercise has been an absolute game changer.
Now, not only do I not experience anywhere near the same degree of post-summer blues as I did before, but I actually enjoy the arrival of autumn.
And I never thought I’d be able to say that!
So if you have been suffering end-of-summer blues since the start of September, or simply want to step into autumn feeling clear about what you want to make this next season all about, then tune into today’s Pep-Talk and let me guide you through the exercise that has made a huge difference to me and a lot of my clients and members who have tried it too.
Hit play and then come and join the conversation over in the Club You Chat (now back on Whatsapp!)
Goodbye Summer Hello Autumn - the questions:
(I’ve made this about the Summer coming to an end, but if you’re not in the Northern hemisphere, then feel free to edit it to suit what season or holiday you’re transitioning out of and into at the moment)
What were your highlights this Summer?
What were the biggest lessons or insights you learnt this Summer?
What will this Summer be remembered for in your life?
What are you grateful to this Summer for?
What summery activities do you want to continue to enjoy in these final days of summer?
As you look towards the Autumn how do you feel about it?
What will you miss about Summer that you can carry through into the Autumn?
How do you want to feel this Autumn?
What can you do to help yourself fee that way this Autumn?
What do you want it to be all about and why?
What intention do you want to set for this Autumn e.g. ‘I want it to be my Autumn of…’
What simple pleasures, activities, experiences, people and places do I want to fill it with?