Let’s do a 6 month work review


As we stand at the halfway point of the year, this can be a great time to take a step back and reflect on your work and how things have been going in the first half of 2024 and then plan what you want the next 6 months to be all about.

Having loved doing a work review at the start of the year, I decided to do a 6 month review to reflect on all that I'd done, see how I was getting on with my plan and bring anything back on track that I might have forgotten about, as I make a plan for second half of 2024.

So, I created this worksheet and I loved doing it. And in this pep-talk I walk you question by question through the worksheet, sharing my own insights and lessons learnt and inviting you to answer the questions too.

Here is the worksheet so that you can do it too and here is the pep-talk…

And then come and join the conversation over in the Club You Chat (now back on Whatsapp!)


Different types of intuition


Tapping into your intuition