Cultivating peak experiences

Week before last I went to Spain and had the most magical experience. I experienced love in a way I never have done before and it was an experience that felt profound and deeply life affirming.

As I was trying to make sense of it all, integrate the experience and bring myself back to earth last week, it made me reflect on what Maslow called 'peak experiences' - moments in life where we feel elevated momentarily into a different realm - it can happen through ritual, physical challenge, music, creative experiences and plant medicine.

And I wanted to explore how we can cultivate these peak experiences in our lives and look back at times in each of our own lives where we might have experienced these peak experiences and the impact it had.

Listen to today's Pep-Talk below or on your favourite podcast channel (subscribe here)

And then come and join the conversation over in the Club You Chat

x Selina


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