The power of a holiday

I am back from a truly glorious week in Spain and reminded of the power (and challenges) of fully switching off on holiday. But when you do, you are rewarded with a post-holiday surge of energy that can be a wonderful energy to harness and use when you are ready to bring about change in your life.

So in this pep-talk I explore both: how to switch off fully when you go on holiday and how to get ready to use that post-holiday surge of energy when you come back.

Ready for some coaching?

And if you ARE ready to make some changes and you'd like a one-off session with me, then I am opening my doors to some Club You special discounted sessions for £500 £297 this June. If you'd like to book yourself in or want to find out more you can hit reply to this email or read a little more about it first ​here​

AND I am also opening up spaces to my other ​coaching programmes​ if you're interested in really diving in deep and making some BIG changes over the Summer. Club You members always get first pick when Coaching spots are available 😉 If you are interested, we can book in a discovery call to talk it all through (email me at

For now, listen to today's Pep-Talk below or on your favourite podcast channel (subscribe here)

And then come and join the conversation over in the Club You Chat

x Selina


How to communicate your needs


Making work work for you