The power of ritual and wonder in our lives with Tiu de Haan

Tiu de Haan is a magical human being. She is a ritual designer, creative facilitator, idea doula and ‘serendipiter’ and as I like to call her ‘an international woman of wonder’, who lives on a boat in the heart of London.

For 17 years, she has been creating experiences designed to connect us to our creativity, to each other, to ourselves and to the possibility of wonder.
For me she is the queen of connecting with wonder in the day to day and creating daily rituals that help us to feel a deeper connection to ourselves and life. So I HAD to have her in Club You offering us her wisdom on bringing wonder back into our daily lives, how to design rituals to help us process big moments and the big changes in our lives AND how to design rituals in our daily lives and why that can be so powerful.

There is so much rich content in here and it is quite a long episode so take your time, you could even dip into it over a few listening sessions. 

But I can't wait for you to hear it and hear how you get on with the TWO exercises Tiu has invited us to try...


1. Morning Pages

Tiu describes how she does Morning Pages, but in case you want some written instructions to refer to, here they are from the Artist's Way, where the idea of Morning Pages comes from. 

I recommend you try doing it for at least three mornings in a row. 

Come back here and let us know how you get on!

2. Go on a wonder treasure hunt

Listen to the last 10 minutes of the episode to hear Tiu talking us through how to do this exercise.

Set a timer - Tiu suggests 20 minutes

Figure out a threshold and as you step over it you momentarily step into an alternate reality where for 20 minutes the whole world is going to give you treasures - messages of support, reminders of the beauty and wonder of life, answers even. 

Set aside any thoughts that it all sounds crazy (your Shitty Committee may well have something to say about it) and just let yourself be IN it for twenty minutes. 

Then come back here and report how you got on!

More from Tiu...

You'll find more from Tiu, including her Dinner with the Dead and other amazing rituals over in the Explore section of her website:

You'll also find information there on ways of working with her. 

And if you're on instagram, come and find Tiu hanging out on Stories over @tiudehaan1

And it is - an episode on ritual and wonder and how to bring more of both of those things into our lives:

You can also listen to this over here on Soundcloud


x Selina


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