What’s your Burnout Archetype?

Take this 2-minute quiz and subscribe to the Project You newsletter to find out what your Burnout Archetype is and get a personalised plan that shows you what you need to reclaim your energy and start to thrive!

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Selina Barker is a Career and Life Design Coach, author of ‘Burnt Out’ and founder of Project You. The FOUR BURNOUT ARCHETYPES come from her book Burnt Out, drawing on more than 17 years of experience helping people to break free from burnout and design lives and careers they love.
Find out more about Selina below

Hello from burnout expert, Selina Barker!

“Hello! My name is Selina Barker, I’m a Career and Life Design Coach, founder of Project You and author of Burnt Out - the exhausted person’s 6 step guide to thriving in a fast-paced world - which has been translated into multiple languages.

For over seventeen years I’ve been helping people, all over the world, break free from burnout and design lives and careers they love.

I’ve worked with individuals and teams all over the world, from Google, to UN Women to HSBC, teaching them how to protect themselves from burnout and manage their energy so that they can thrive at work.

My work has featured in the Independent, Telegraph, BBC, Red, Psychologies, Metro, Sunday Times Style, Grazia, Evening Standard and many more.

I developed the four Burnout Archetypes after identifying that people behave differently when they kick into over-drive at work and that knowing your Burnout Archetype can help protect you from burning out and teach you how to finally THRIVE at work and in life.

I can’t wait for you to discover your Burnout Archetype and what understanding it can do for you!

x Selina