The pandemic has changed us and I think it’s a good thing
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There is no doubt about it: life since the pandemic is different. Life feels different. We are different.
We're still recovering from what we went through and that will take time, but I also don't WANT us all to recover fully. I don't want things to go back to exactly how they were. There is a post-pandemic attitude to life that I see playing out amongst my friends, clients and myself, all the time, and I'm excited that it's here.
And that attitude is: F**K THIS.
I started observing this when we came out of the first lockdown here in the UK and other coaches and therapists I spoke to said they were seeing the same thing: a wonderful weariness that was making us either unwilling or simply incapable of putting up with the kind of bullshit we once thought we had to put up with.
The bullshit of being treated like machines (by companies and by ourselves), the bullshit of toxic productivity, the bullshit of letting companies think that paying us means somehow owning us, the bullshit of life being an urgent race to keep up with a never-ending to-do list. The bullshit of capitalism, the patriarchy and white supremacy. The whole damn lot.
As a result, since the pandemic, people have been quitting jobs, relationships, ways of living and working that make them miserable, left right and centre. Me included.
In fact this week I finally made my way back in front of the camera and onto instagram and talked about how I am DONE with the PRESSURES of work. Putting myself under pressure and letting others put me under pressure all in the name of creating things and making money.
I am DONE with it.
I'm so done with it that I was joking that I wanted to develop an allergy to pressure, so that every time I feel any amount of pressure I spontaneously vomit or sh*t myself 😂 so that I CAN'T put myself under pressure.
I just don't want to put my body or my soul through that anymore.
If there was one thing that the pandemic taught me (and it taught me many things), it's that life is short and we just don't know how long we have, so let's enjoy it while we're here.
I know that is such an obvious one, but losing four family members in just one month to COVID really drove that home.
And so my sweet friends I am here to ENJOY the life I have, to worry less about whether my goals have been met or not and to focus instead on creating from the heart and letting inspiration and intuition lead the way.
That’s MY Project You at the moment. What’s yours?
x Selina