How do you start your day?

How we start the day can have a huge influence over how we feel for the whole of the day. And, in fact, over how we feel about ourselves in general.

What we do for ourselves in the first couple of hours after getting up can really set the tone for the day.

Doing something for yourself, no matter how small, something that intentionally gives you what you need as you step into the day - whether it is something nourishing, motivating, energising, supportive or calming - not only helps you to feel the way you want to feel, but it also gives you the message of 'I matter, I support myself, I've got this'. Rather than the message of 'I don't matter, I must sacrifice myself, life is hard and I just have to get through this' which can be surprisingly easy to slip into when we're not looking after ourselves.

So what do YOU do for yourself in the morning?

If you're already pretty pro at giving yourself the care and attention you need in the mornings then I'd love to know what exactly you get up to and how you make sure you stick to it. Hit reply and let me know!

But if you tend to drag yourself into the day any which way you can (which was me for a number of years) then let's take a look at what you could do that will help you stepping into the day feeling the way you want to feel and giving yourself that all important message of 'I matter, I support myself, I've got this'.

And if you feel like you just don't have the time and your hands are taken up with kids, a new born, puppy or whatever all-consuming responsibilities you might have the moment you get up, then I get it. I've been there, AND I know you can give yourself, at the very least, two minutes in the morning. And that is honestly all you need to get started.

All you need to do is ask yourself 'what could I do for myself in the morning that would feel nourishing, supportive and give me a moment FOR ME?' and start there.

If you feel really energised, grounded and uplifted when you MOVE your body, what intentional movement can you do in the morning? Half an hour of exercise, 10 minutes of yoga or two minutes of dancing or stretching could be your morning treat to yourself.

If expressing yourself or being creative is something that you know your soul craves on a daily basis, then what small thing can do you do to start your day? A creative activity that you love for half an hour, journalling for 10 minutes to get all your thoughts and feelings out onto the page, expressive dancing or singing your favourite song for 2 minutes.

If you tend to start the day feeling anxious or charged up, what can you do for yourself that you enjoy, that helps you to ground yourself and feel a sense of calm? Half an hour of yoga and meditation, 10 minutes of gardening or walking through a park.

If your language of love is receiving positive affirmations, what can you do to give yourself positive affirmations as you start the day? You could write a message of love and support to yourself from your Inner Wise Cheerleader, read or recite positive affirmations - something that you can do in the bath or while out for a walk.

And if you often feel lonely throughout the day, doing stuff on your own or amongst people you don't really connect with, then how you could start the day connecting with other like-minded people? Do a morning class or activity with a friend or like-minded people, work from a cafe in the morning, start a morning check-in group with friends on whatsapp where you perhaps share your intention or goals for the day or share your gratitudes for the day.

And if you don't know what it is you want or need as you start the day, you just know you want to stop feeling so anxious, overwhelmed, unmotivated, bored or lonely, then try things out and SEE what works.

I tried Morning pages, walks in the park and exercise which all worked, but I found I was only ever doing them sporadically - usually when I was feeling like I REALLY needed it.

But it wasn't until my friend and amazing yoga teacher, Annabel, started a  half hour yoga/pilates and meditation online class  in the mornings that I discovered that what I really needed in the morning, to start my day feeling calm, grounded, energised and connected, was a practice that involved movement, stretching and stillness and a community of people to do it with to give me a feeling of connection and the accountability to help me stick to it.

I have been waxing lyrical about it ever since (just ask the  Club You  members 😂).

Because apart from anything else it has reminded me that it can take time to find the formulas that really work for you. We might not KNOW what we need at first and so it is vital to experiment and explore.

And my god, when you find the thing that works for you, WHAT a difference it can make! It has been truly life changing for me. On the days I skip the class I really feel the lack of it.

So even if, right now in your life, you have just 2 minutes in the morning that you can give to yourself, USE THOSE TWO MINUTES. Try things out, explore and experiment. Because whatever you do it will give you the message that ' I matter, I support myself, I've got this'.

And that is perhaps the most powerful part of it all.

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