You don’t always need to thrive
This might seem like a controversial thing for me to say but, we can't expect to be thriving ALL of the time.
Because suffering, grief, loss and pain are an unavoidable part of life. And WHEN we are going through those moments, expecting ourselves to be thriving wouldn't be fair. It's like expecting ourselves to feel light and happy during tough times.
And that is what I wanted to talk about in this week's Pep-Talk.
How to handle not yet living the dream
It can be hard when you have a clear vision of the life you want to be living and you’re putting in time and effort to create that life for yourself, but you haven’t got there yet. How do you handle the feelings of overwhelm, frustration or disappointment when you compare the life you’re living today to the dream life you are making every effort to head towards?
Well that is the topic of today’s Pep-Talk!