Selina Barker Selina Barker

Time to take your dreams seriously

in this Pep-Talk I dive deep into the topic of designing a life you love, one project at a time and how to choose which dream you want to take seriously next in your life, so that you can bring it to this month’s workshop - ‘Let’s Make It Happen’!

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Selina Barker Selina Barker

When your dreams don’t come true

This is a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or a symptom of getting older or a combination of the two, but a lot of my friends and clients are finding themselves at an age where they thought their life would be a certain way…and it’s not.

So how do you navigate the disappointment of a big dream not working out. And how do you move forward from there?

Well that is the topic of this week’s Pep-Talk.

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